Posts tagged Career Transition
The Isolated Counsel: Addressing Career Stagnation in Solo General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer Roles

The phenomenon of career stagnation among solo GCs and CLOs presents significant challenges for both individual legal professionals and the organizations they serve. By recognizing these challenges and implementing structured strategies to combat professional isolation, both individuals and companies can ensure that their legal leadership remains dynamic, well-rounded, and prepared for the evolving demands of the corporate legal landscape.

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The differences between retained executive search and contingency recruiters

Retained executive search consultants are looking for people who are happy in their current positions, and for whom something new might be of interest. In fact, those happy potential candidates are often so happy where they are, that they're not expecting the call, and the art of recruiting becomes essential in engaging them in the first place.

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Garbage In, Garbage Out: Two Keystrokes that will Transform Your "Advanced Search" Results on LinkedIn

If you haven't discovered the wonders of the minus symbol when querying LinkedIn search, or the benefits of incrementally refining search parameters using other query features, take a moment to tinker and see if LinkedIn doesn't finally become the business tool you can't live without.

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Read These Entertaining Tech Company Reports with a Heavy Dose of Skepticism

Paragraph one references a Fast Company report, paragraph two references a PayScale survey, and paragraph three references a Dice survey of 1,600 technology professionals in the U.S.

I love the collective insight, but when you think about the sources, they're kind of apples to oranges, so you can't look at the findings as a single harmonious conclusion. 

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How a Plate of Nachos Turned Into Jared Redick's Job Description Analysis

The Job Description Analysis was born out of frustration, honestly. In 2009, a client gave me a spate of job descriptions for which he felt qualified, but they didn't hold a cogent through-line when I considered the entirety of his career. In fact, feelings rarely tell the whole story, nor lead to coherent decisions.

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Yes, I Loathe the Term "Elevator Pitch"

Is it important to be able to talk about yourself at a high level? Yes. That's the purpose of developing an aggregate understanding about yourself and your career, which is really what an "elevator pitch" is. But that should lead to an in-depth conversation, in which you should be equally skilled. 

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Google, A Vexing & Thrilling Conundrum

Still, working at Google is rightfully coveted, and Business Insider's recent Here's what it's REALLY like to work at Google, the 'world's most attractive' employer article offers a glimpse into the life of a Googler.

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